We are able to deliver an exceptional set of solutions because we listened to you, and designed our business around your needs. It changed our structure, roles and responsibilities, how we communicate, the data we collect, and the information we deliver.
Our Life Cycle System is the scientific approach we use to understand the relationship of maintenance, repair, and replacement for your property’s equipment.
We combined the best practices used in the maintenance intensive critical industry of Air Travel, with the engineering principles used to design reliable mechanical components, to create our unique system.
We model your equipment – incorporating its operating environment, usage, and application – using information our technicians collect during our Due Diligence with our custom Information Systems.
This incredible insight allows us to systematically apply the correct resources at the correct time. We do the necessary time-based tasking, adding additional tasking as the condition warrants, saving labor cost. We proactively replace low-cost worn components and revamp sections of systems to reduce frequency of emergency repairs. This is the only proven strategy that reduces cost, extends useful life, and maximizes uptime.
We make you aware as equipment approaches the end of its useful life, and proactively provide you options for replacement incorporating Energy Use assessment, utility grant opportunities, and Net Present Value analysis. This helps you:
- Prepare strategies for replacement,
- Forecast your Capital budget,
- Adjust your Operating budget to account for the additional attention the equipment will need.
We educate you to possibilities, provide options that meet your goals, and counsel you through the pros and cons of each decision. We are here to be your expert and help you.
We provide accurate information, when you need it, in easy to understand formats. We proactively communicate when an action needs to be taken which will help drive down costs, stave off a bad situation, and help you move closer to realize your business or investment strategy.